Wetlands Report & Jurisdictional Determination
Landowners should protect their rights by obtaining an independent expert analysis of wetlands related issues and Clean Water Act jurisdiction.
Wetlands Professional Services offers expert regulatory analysis based on the site-specific characteristics of a property. Field data is collected on vegetation, soils, streams, drainage characteristics, hydrology connections, navigable waters, significant nexus, and other regulatory criteria. This data is carefully evaluated and analyzed in accordance with applicable statutes, regulations and relevant court decisions. A narrative report is prepared and compiled with the supporting data, to document findings and conclusions. This "Wetlands Report" is sealed with a Professional Engineers' seal.
The Wetlands Report described above demonstrates to government agencies and other parties that the landowner has undertaken due-diligence to investigate and document the regulatory status of its property before proceeding with any activity that could be regulated under Section 404 the Clean Water Act. Activities which have no-impact on jurisdictional wetlands are not-regulated under the Clean Water Act, and there is no legal requirement to notify or obtain a permit from the Corps of Engineers.
Wetlands Professional Services offers expert regulatory analysis based on the site-specific characteristics of a property. Field data is collected on vegetation, soils, streams, drainage characteristics, hydrology connections, navigable waters, significant nexus, and other regulatory criteria. This data is carefully evaluated and analyzed in accordance with applicable statutes, regulations and relevant court decisions. A narrative report is prepared and compiled with the supporting data, to document findings and conclusions. This "Wetlands Report" is sealed with a Professional Engineers' seal.
The Wetlands Report described above demonstrates to government agencies and other parties that the landowner has undertaken due-diligence to investigate and document the regulatory status of its property before proceeding with any activity that could be regulated under Section 404 the Clean Water Act. Activities which have no-impact on jurisdictional wetlands are not-regulated under the Clean Water Act, and there is no legal requirement to notify or obtain a permit from the Corps of Engineers.